
What is Nei Gong and Internal Cultivation?

The answer to what Nei Gong is goes beyond the description I can attempt to give, as it involves an experiential transformation. Nei Gong is a process of internal development and transformation, leading the practitioner to greater levels of body efficiency, awareness, and mind-body connection. The energy system is worked with extensively for achieving transformation, as well as the Three Treasures known also as the San Bao. The Three Treasures are Jing, Qi and Shen – commonly translated in simplified terms as Essence, Energy and Spirit. Study and refinement of the Three Treasures is key for alchemical change to the energy system. Our system of Nei Gong is an Alchemical lineage, aimed at creating the right circumstances for change toward spiritual development – There are various other branches of Nei Gong, some being medical-oriented and others being martially-oriented.

Nei Gong involves learning some Eastern and Daoist philosophy, which becomes an experiential understanding through our practice. That is to say, Yin and Yang are not merely concepts of philosophy, but are tangible qualities within the body. Once you are able to connect with Qi and work with it, then experience of the philosophy unfolds within the microcosm of your own body.

Internal cultivation is a broad and yet specific reference to energetic and spiritual work. There are many methods and traditions of cultivating oneself, however this means to work with specifically with internal aspects of our Being and to cultivate them according to the teachings and method you have. This is both a study, to develop greater understanding of internal aspects and mechanisms, as well as a practice. In the context of how Nikolas instructs, internal cultivation means a more holistic and encompassing approach to development.

What does Nei Gong training entail?

Training begins on the level of the body ~ Jing, and getting it adequately prepared for energetic work. Sorting out our health and getting our body structured and aligned properly, then also relaxed enough to start going deeper inside. Once the body is sufficiently prepared, work begins on the energy system ~ Qi. This entails building and awakening the Lower Dan Tian, contacting Qi and connecting with the Qi of the Earth. Within the level 1 syllabus, the Shen aspect of practice is learning to shape the mind correctly for practice and development of the mental qualities of Song and Ting.

The chart to the left depicts the process of building the foundations of Nei Gong practice. Learning energetic anatomy and how to stand for energetic practice are basics that will be covered. We work directly with the Lower Dan Tian once preparations are ready. 

Qi Gong exercises along with Dao Yin exercises are used to work with the Qi in various ways for Nourishing, Purging and Regulating the Qi.

Our training at Mountain Pathways adheres to the Level 1 syllabus of Lotus Nei Gong. Nikolas has developed through the level 1 syllabus with Damo Mitchell and instructs his students along this path. It generally takes students about 3-5 years to move through the foundations of level 1 material.

This systematic approach builds a foundation of practice that develops the physical and energetic aspects needed for deeper internal cultivation and advanced alchemical and meditative work.

Who should NOT train Nei Gong?

It is important to consider that Nei Gong may not be for everyone. Our training has strong energetics that create transformation in your body, energy system and mind. One should be in relatively good health without recent major injuries/surgery and should have good mental health. I cannot recommend Nei Gong training to someone who struggles regularly with mental health issues or has majorly prevailing health issues. Please do not come to training thinking that Nei Gong is a healing practice and will fix all your ailments, or that you can use the energy generated for healing patients. However it is true that with time and practice Nei Gong will heal the body and increase your baseline of available energy. To use this energy for healing patients is a much longer process that involves medical and advanced Nei Gong training – otherwise you risk depleting yourself and causing more problems in patients. The energetics of Nei Gong have a science that must be respected and it is not advised to mix Nei Gong with other practices such as: Reiki, Wim Hoff, shamanic work, new age, or anything at all.

Benefits of Training

There are numerous benefits to Nei Gong and internal cultivation in general. The benefits also depend upon each person’s constitution and inherent/inborn qualities, as well as what level of effort they apply themselves. If one listens well and applies themselves as instructed, they will be lead through a series of energetic development stages and will see tangible results that mark completion of a stage. The beginning of training will yield a more open and flexible body that is overall more relaxed – these qualities may also trickle into your mind-state. As the energetics awaken in your system, you will encounter more energy and greater mind-body connection – energetic sensitivity can begin developing and possibly the early signs of skill forming. Next your body will start to knit together stronger and develop very strong internal connections as we “upgrade the hardware” of the body to handle more energy – this is a stage where many mysterious developments can unfold depending upon the person as they empower themselves through practice. This is also the stage when it becomes clear that a student has developed “gong”, as it is required to move past earlier stages. It requires great commitment to reach this stage. Beyond this, the benefits become weirder, more mysterious skills developing as your health is already taken care of. Overall, Nei Gong can provide a much deeper and rich connection with life as you become empowered to choose how you wish to navigate. The health benefits are wonderful, though the energetic and spiritual developments that happen ignite refreshed curiosity about life – a true gem in this age of time.

How do Nei Gong, Qi Gong and Dao Yin Differ?

It is often the case that these terms get intermingled and confused for one another. So lets briefly differentiate them as they are all useful tools for internal cultivation. Nei Gong is a broader energetic study and a process that utilizes and includes Qi Gong and Dao yin. Though Nei Gong also refers to specific exercises that work directly with the internal body and various forms of Qi – usually these kinds of exercises look ‘still’ or ‘static’ from the outside. Qi Gong refers to the exercises that aim to work with or ‘exercise’ the Qi in specific ways and generally involve movement of the body. These kinds of exercises are like instructions into the energetic body telling the Qi to perform a certain task – which it will do only if you have practiced enough. Dao Yin means ‘to lead and guide’ and is used commonly for purging our energy system though it’s also used for opening the body and joints. These kinds of exercises are generally more yang in nature and involve larger movements or twisting of the body. In the context of Nei Gong training, Dao Yin and Qi Gong are tools used to move through various stages of training.

Please check out the Mountain Pathways Nei Gong Youtube Channel for videos content on training such as the Ji Ben Qi Gong, Wu Xing Qi Gong and more!

Check back here later for information regarding Taijiquan training with Mountain Pathways.

Our Instructor

Our instructor has a decade of Nei Gong experience and has experientially been through the foundational stages of development.

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Internal Arts Blog

Check out our blog about Internal Arts training and Cultivation in the modern day. You’ll find helpful and interesting information related to Nei Gong practice.